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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • For Father's Day, Mark's family provides all the ideas for comics so he can have the day off.
  • In post-game interview, chess piece says it was moved by the win.
  • Cat is scolded for rubbing up against coworkers.
  • Employees quickly volunteer to cut boss-shaped cake.
  • Boy mistakenly buys "Diary of a Wimpy" instead of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid."
  • Mayfly is asked to visualize self in five minutes in terms of career.
  • Girl responds that taking the feedback survey was least favorite part of amusement park.
  • Employees of Ace Sofa Company get fort made of cushions as their cubicles.
  • A dog doesn't like taking his poop home, but it's his owner's call.
  • Conductor becomes disoriented by audience member phones ringing.
  • A man saws the legs of furniture to make it fit inside the leaning Tower of Pisa.
  • Woman working at a card factory has to make own retirement card.