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  • Juror's beauty distracts courtroom artist from sketching defendant.
  • Artist paints the box that the mime is pretending to be stuck in.
  • Giant spider and web lead researchers to believe mummies were actually spider's prey.
  • Impossible to tell when man's controller battery dies when playing Conductor Hero video game.
  • Woman wonders if she ate big spider that was hiding in the grill.
  • Light bulbs above cartoonists' heads show how they are inspired.
  • The Reznicks hire those in exacting professions to cut their twins' birthday cake into equal slices.
  • Doctor's delivery makes couple laugh when their baby has Groucho Marx glasses.
  • Take-your-child-to-work day cartoon is a "palm" tree.
  • Restaurant patron complains to chef that fish he ordered contains the mythological Mercury.
  • Milton's insulting status update about his boss keeps him from getting a raise.
  • Everything at the composite hockey stick company breaks and snaps.