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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Cousin It applies for I.T. job opening.
  • During job interview, Gumby gets asked about not having a level head.
  • A painter's art has a direct message: everything is for sale.
  • Book about drawing in perspective is in different perspectives.
  • At his pet store job, Brad dresses as a chef since that's the job he really wants.
  • Groundhog auditions or casts shadows to play the role of his shadow.
  • Before Paradise Lost, John Milton wrote Pacifier Lost.
  • Book suggest it's easier to find women with a dragon tattoo than without.
  • All the paintings collected for Occupy Wall are baroque or broke.
  • Latte cup is late for board meeting.
  • Fisherman catches pollock that looks like it was painted by Jackson Pollock.
  • Dog cuts cone shaped cookie dough to eat with protective cone.