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  • Goldilocks regrets Baby Bear tattoo from her younger days.
  • Howie Mandel and Vermin Supreme have a political debate.
  • A ghost gets a tattoo, but it comes off when he moves away.
  • Mother with poor grammar wonders why son is failing English.
  • Sharks can buy seal or imitation seal.
  • Magritte's painting The Son of Man is updated with an Apple iPhone.
  • Well Done balloon captures why cow's cooking school graduation was canceled.
  • Dog likes to eat child's artwork made from macaroni.
  • Mom Potatohead figured out how to get it all done by using extra arms.
  • Rather than watch swimmers, lifeguard prefers women playing volleyball.
  • Stephen King's Children of the Corn is adapted by Disney as a cartoon.
  • Banker wants to discuss financial balance, not man's ability to balance.