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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • A lamppost dad tells his son that his mom worked a street corner when he met her.
  • Pandora works in a cubicle of demons.
  • A musician's hair is windswept because the band's tuba keeps blowing on it.
  • Candy hearts go to a tattoo parlor to get valentine messages written on them.
  • A dog geologist thinks a rock still might be food.
  • A woman's tea is green because it's recycled from unfinished cups.
  • The shark from Jaws used to be in small independent films.
  • A woman reads The Giving Tree to her son and has nightmares about him harvesting her organs.
  • A snowman impersonates Carrot Top in charades by putting his nose on top of his head.
  • A peanut without its shell models for a nut life drawing class.
  • The Nonthinker statue looks at his phone.
  • The Spider Department comes to help a woman who's afraid of spiders.