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  • Vincent van Gogh hates someone's mix tape so much that he cuts off his ear.
  • A cloud claims to have a tattoo, but it's just the Bat Symbol.
  • A tattoo artist tells a client he wishes his needles had autocorrect.
  • A man draws glasses on paintings because he was supposed to add frames.
  • Cat magazine puts a dog on the cover.
  • A fortune cookie psychic has a tough job.
  • The early bird understands the worm.
  • A boy portrait-bombs da Vinci while he's painting the Mona Lisa.
  • The Scream is so upset because he accidentally sent a Reply All email.
  • The new Legend of Zelda game is Legend of Welda, a game about a woman who welds things.
  • A book called The Plunger Games parodies the Hunger Games series.
  • The police revoke a man's artistic license when he draws Wolverine with 5 claws instead of 3.