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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • A shark paints a pretty girl on his friend's fin to lure swimmers.
  • Van Gogh's friend said she really liked the chew toy he gave her dog, but the toy was his ear.
  • Baby Weird Al imagines a parody of the lullaby his mom is singing.
  • The easter bunny gets dyer's block.
  • A dad reads to his kid, but he makes the stories sound like internet headlines.
  • A bed bug stays in bed all day.
  • Characters from famous paintings go through the Tunnel of Louvre.
  • Picasso's X-rays show a Cubist style skull.
  • Landscape artists and portrait artists hold their smartphones in different orientations.
  • A man's opthamologist tells him he has an eye for talent when his eye scan is full of famous cartoon characters.
  • Bart Simpson accidentally drops his hair in the soup while working at a kitchen.
  • A cat goes to a mouse burrito store and the cashier asks him if he wants white or brown.