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  • Dr. McCoy from Star Trek reads a list of things he's not at a poetry slam.
  • Political pundits predict that a rock will beat scissors in the election.
  • People go on an audio tour of an art museum and cringe at the screams in front of The Scream.
  • A mouse gets the wrong kind of cheese and is snapped by mousetraps.
  • An angel who makes rain complains that the angel who throws lightning has an easier job.
  • Dogs eat their burgers before their BBQ host can cook them.
  • A dog reporter says who was last at a fire hydrant based on its smell.
  • A snake mom asks her kids which of them stole hamsters from the cookie jar.
  • Normal Al Yankovic sings non-parody versions of Weird Al songs.
  • Chipmunks stuff their cheeks at a buffet to steal food.
  • A man does armpit farts at the god of thunder tryouts.
  • An umpire says he's going to work at home.