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  • Alien boss wants to know what interviewee has built recently other than pyramids.
  • It is difficult to work from home when cats sleep on you and your desk.
  • Candlestick maker worries butcher and baker are plotting to eat him.
  • At the Starbucks convention, all the name tags are misspelled names.
  • Groundhog hogs all the coffee in his extra-large cup.
  • Painting one's portrait was the original selfie stick.
  • James Bond has to remember to not say "shaken not stirred" when ordering champagne.
  • Interviewer asks cat where he sees himself in five lives.
  • Characters and bands with who in name see who appears in Who's Who.
  • Bartender calls a cab for tooth who's had one too many novocaine shots.
  • Man looking to fix flat tire finds Crow Bar and a crow named Jack in the trunk.