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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Magazine compares fig leaf wearing of Eve and Fig Tree.
  • Sharks are impressed by ventriloquist with man in his mouth.
  • Caterpillar's day job is to be Bert's unibrow.
  • Boss asks bat where he hears himself in five years.
  • Cat in screen mimic Munch's The Scream.
  • Right-handed store opens up next to left-handed store.
  • Man mistakenly gets grocery list tattooed on back after note mix-up.
  • After unproductive day of brainstorming, coworkers head to bar to excessively drink to bladderstorm.
  • Shark will one day smash glass ceiling of glassbottom boat.
  • Librarian's sound machine is shhhhh to keep quiet.
  • Whales at the workplace snack on whale holes.
  • Unoriginal employees come up with same slogan of "be Unique" for t-shirt design.