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  • Rosie the Riveted robot parodies WW2 Rosie the Riverter icon.
  • Kiss the Cook apron quickly escalated to sex in bed.
  • Caveman worries about other caveman's drawing of bull in a provocative position.
  • Harold regrets scheduling his surgery on take-your-child-to-work-day.
  • Planet bartender refuses to serve Earth because she's had too much to drink and is off her axis.
  • Auditor tells cartoonist he can't write-off everyday payments because they appear in his cartoon.
  • Dog learns tricks for how to get food while reading The Hunger Games.
  • Hosts read Go Dog Go to signal to dog guest that it's time to leave.
  • Humpty Dumpty called for an egg fixer and got a chef instead.
  • Drawing Tips book advises putting book covers on the correct side but doesn't heed its own advice.
  • Venus de Milo isn't impressed by David's Christmas present of legs.
  • Mom alien reads Goodnight Moons book to baby.