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  • Man climbs tipping bookshelves to reach book titled The Man Who Was Crushed By Books.
  • Book titled Nothing Is Out of Reach is on top shelf of bookstore where man can’t get it.
  • Woman on laptop drinking Red Bull works productively while man with Blue Sloth is collapsed in an exhausted mess.
  • Collection of artisan turkeys inspired by different artists including Van Gogh, Picasso, Warhol, Dali, Rubens, Magritte, Kahlo, Duchamp and Pollock.
  • Family gives thanks to cartoonist for meal by not using place settings because he hates to draw them.
  • Office workers relax in cubicle full of kittens for stress relief on Fridays.
  • Woman is shocked by pile of books on top of man but it’s just bookstore’s new horror display.
  • Raven says “never Moore” while watching James Bond movie with Edgar Allen Poe.
  • Office workers relax in cubicle full of puppies for stress relief on Mondays.
  • Dog named Mona Lisa’s Eyes because following owner around the room.
  • Cat has to work late because he is overflowing from his inbox.
  • Shaved dog’s fur has been matted as artwork.