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  • Wind energy turbine sees windy weather forecast on smartphone app and thinks it will be working again tonight.
  • Man by empty shelves in bookstore mystery section asks salesperson asks what happened to the books.
  • Godzilla monster on beach asks other Zilla if it wants a lifesaver while walking by lifeguard station.
  • Man asks President Garfield’s empty desk in White House Oval Office what he thinks of Mondays.
  • Principal at Charlie Brown’s school tells slide trombone instrument teacher students can’t understand her voice.
  • Stick figure doodle says creator demands a sacrifice as pencil erases another stick figure.
  • Exhausted mother in art museum with unruly kids thinks Whistler’s Mother painting is unrealistic because she’s sitting down.
  • Bird with chick poops on man going to work with kid on Take Your Child To Work Day.
  • Man head with glasses and mustache hairstyle isn’t what woman in salon had in mind when she asked hairdresser for a bob.
  • Colored egg author reads book about Easter Bunny kidnapping to scared white egg audience.
  • Cat writer at bookstore author visit signs cats copies of nine lives autobiography books.
  • David statue by renaissance artist Michelangelo looks at Throwback Thursday website photo of block of quarried rock.