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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Man working on computer annoys angry coworker with noisy Wrigley’s Extra Loud chewing gum parody.
  • Cat loving cartoonist cuddling sleeping kitties ironically misses the point with aloof cats comic.
  • Dog misses the point when rude cat barista misspells name stupid jerk wad.
  • Cartoonist on smartphone posts cartoon about relying on phones but is trolled by mean comments for hypocrisy.
  • BBQ grill charcoal sees charcoal pencil drawing and regrets not being an art major in college.
  • Weed army plots lawn invasion with backyard battlefield model.
  • Paint by numbers are mad 5 taking credit for paintings when only did purple parts.
  • Coffee cup asks annoyed female cup of coffee if her date was tall and she answers “only according to Starbucks.”
  • Dishonest mechanic outside auto body repair garage pays grocery cart bribe to damage cars in parking lot.
  • Fourth of July firework tells other firework reading Marie Kondo decluttering book that it’s afraid of things that spark joy.
  • Dog customers shop for miss you greeting cards for owners away on brief errands.
  • Cartoon character Bart Simpson nervous as lawyer presents to court spiky triangle hair evidence found at crime scene.