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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Gingerbread man asks bitten face cookie if it got a new hair cut.
  • Thanksgiving turkey on farm wears tasteless ugly clothing to avoid being eaten.
  • Mad scientist works from home making Frankenstien monster friend.
  • Vampires on computer screen Zoom meeting online are missing from web cam videos.
  • Telecommuting pet owner names identical fish in aquarium after week days because can’t tell them apart.
  • Telecommuting dad on computer shushes noisy son Mike not muted interrupting online video work meeting.
  • Poor out of work lip reader begs on street corner from people wearing masks.
  • Future reporter boy pulls farting old man’s finger getting “Pull-It Surprise” Pulitzer Prize.
  • Two workers named Victor write History on school classroom door window.
  • Telecommuting worker’s home office destroyed by new puppy intern pulling computer cord & making mess.
  • Balloon librarian asks dog shaped balloon if liked book and it answers so many twists and turns.
  • Telecommuting worker’s pet cat and dog coworkers steal pencil and papers home office supplies.