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  • Frosty the snowman in restroom thaws arms washing hands in warm water.
  • Bugs Bunny asks Warner Bros characters at empty table who put Wile E. in charge of getting bird.
  • Vampires company manager says worker with three fangs is their most productive employee.
  • Artist painting festival of horses and bicycles invents abstract art genre.
  • Customer at birds’ bakery orders baker’s daily crumb special.
  • Stickman drawing marks workplace safety sign zero days without an erasure after worker’s limbs erased..
  • Stick figure shtick comedians funny head arrow & Groucho mustache glasses, watermelon smash & pie in face jokes.
  • Pirate’s sharp hook hand pops crying kid’s balloon animal in unsuccessful business failure.
  • Kitty sitting at laptop desk tells another it is ignoring millions of people on internet right now.
  • Motion sight predator Tyrannosaurus at dinosaur executives meeting says company vision is based on movement.
  • Underpaid dog cheated by owner’s half biscuit reward disappointed it earns less than minimum wage.
  • Frustrating two and three-toed sloth customers demand discounted 2-for-1 manicures & pedicures from annoyed manicurist.