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Browse our Firefighters Cartoons

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  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • Vampire cats don't last because they want to lie in the sun.
  • A devil tells her husband to turn the car around because she forgot to leave the iron on.
  • A new headsman gets an axe in the mail.
  • A dog tells another dog that cacti are sort of like trees and sort of like fire hydrants, but that he should stay away from them.
  • A man chokes on a golf ball and spits it into the hole and his friends don't know how to score it.
  • The Pentagon, the WWF, and Jerry Springer collaborate on a project to launch folding chairs from a cannon.
  • Alan Greenspan decides to slow down his kids' growth with cigarettes.
  • Firemen have trouble putting out a fire at the sponge factory because the sponges absorb the water.
  • A demon's access to heaven online is denied.
  • The fire department won't rescue a cat from a tree, so its owner sets the tree on fire.
  • Low ash cat food is made by employees who don't smoke.