Extinguish boredom with FUNNY firefighter cartoons & comics. GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Firefighters Cartoons

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  • A cow visiting a fortune teller gets a fortune about being cooked on hot coals.
  • Stick-on replacement eyebrows being sold next to barbecue charcoal lighter fluid.
  • Grilling season is a pain for Godzilla, who steps on all the grills and burns his feet.
  • The Betty Rubble Center for Recovering Toons serves cartoons instead of celebrities.
  • Student gets an A in CPR class after reviving the test dummy.
  • Fire alarm can be customized to play fire related song ring tones.
  • A couple is pulled over by a police dog for trying to park too close to the fire hydrant.
  • Cupid practices to shoot people on a gun range.
  • A piece of coal in a Christmas Stocking sings songs by Nat King Cole.
  • A group of angels go to Hell to use the WiFi hot spot for their laptops.
  • The Human Torch is voted off of Survivor Super Heroes.
  • A voice activated car goes to Hell like its driver told it to do.