Extinguish boredom with FUNNY firefighter cartoons & comics. GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Firefighters Cartoons

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  • North American Indian and cowboy see smoke signals.
  • Martha celebrates George Washington's birthday, but the cake candles set his wooden teeth on fire.
  • Annoyed guy thinking in living room chair set's off smoke alarm with his angry thought balloons.
  • Trend of smaller socks becomes a bad idea for Christmas stockings.
  • Harley Davidson motorcycle gang reads Harry Potter by bonfire for the motorcycle parts.
  • The smoking area at the fireworks factory is very, very far away.
  • A man runs a complicated grilling simulation on his computer.
  • Dragons flame knights online instead of with their fire breath.
  • A woman's heart rescues a baby from a burning building.
  • A man wishes his friend all the luck in the world, unwittingly leaving none for himself.
  • Barbecue cook is served Cease and Desist order by air traffic control because of smoke.
  • A man wearing a "Master Chef"' apron is given a false advertising lawsuit by a lawyer.