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Browse our Doctors Cartoons

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  • Mr. Potatohead is in the hospital hooked up to a drip of sour cream.
  • Gumby sits in the waiting room of a gum disease specialist.
  • Vincent van Potato pulls off his ear.
  • A puppy pretends to be sick by blow-drying his nose.
  • People get turned into paint thinner.
  • A dinosaur eats the Flintstones.
  • A toad looks at Play Toad magazine while his wife comments that those aren't the pinup girl's real warts.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy is on an IV of BHT.
  • A man is still taking plenty of rest to get rid of his cold 9 years after his doctor said so.
  • Consumers disregard packaging warnings.
  • A geneticist switches from DNA to jean splicing when his pants split at the butt.
  • Beach vacation photos used to have crabs biting a man's foot, but now they have a needle stabbing his toe.