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Browse our Doctors Cartoons

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  • A dog eats grass for medicinal purposes.
  • Michael Jackson has a glass case of facial features in case of emergency.
  • A dog doctor tells a woman he would understand if she got her husband put down.
  • Cookie Monster goes on the Cookie Patch to control his addiction.
  • Don Ho gets tiny bubbles in his bloodstream when he tries to SCUBA dive.
  • A baby imitates the newborn Elvis Prestley in the neonatal ward.
  • Dog doctors prescribe that a dog should go outside and eat some grass.
  • A porcupine acupuncturist loses his needles in his patient's quills.
  • The woman who puts rings on her fingers and bells on her toes has to go to a podiatrist.
  • The hen that lays the golden eggs goes to the doctor because she's having trouble passing her eggs.
  • George Hamilton goes to the Betty Ford Center, but can't kick the tanning lotion.
  • R2D2 has a nightmare of being smelled by lots of dogs.