FUNNY doctor cartoons & comics are the best medicine! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Doctors Cartoons

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  • Adam and Eve get kicked out of heaven, but at least they can keep the doctor away by eating apples now.
  • The Sandman feels insignificant when he goes to sprinkle sand in Pig-Pen's eyes.
  • A cartoon character has a dollar sign in one eye and a heart in the other because he fell in love and devised a get-rich-quick scheme at the same time.
  • The Green Giant's doctor prescribes an herbal remedy to cure his cough: eating a piece of his uncle.
  • A squid in a hospital is on an IV of ink.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • A man whose bed is on a cliff gets out on the wrong side and falls off the edge.
  • The inside workings of a toddler's brain.
  • Fred Astaire rolls along the ceiling in his wheelchair.
  • A dog drinks so much toilet water that the Ty-D-Bol man gets stuck in her throat.
  • Cats do sleep deprivation research, but they have to let their subject out after three hours.
  • Patient discovers cantaloupe as a more effective way to keep the doctor away.