FUNNY doctor cartoons & comics are the best medicine! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Doctors Cartoons

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  • The Jolly Green Giant's wife gets fertility treatments of moss, mulch, and compost.
  • Doctors use puppets to scare a woman giving birth on April Fools.
  • A woman's hard drive is erased by a powerful magnate.
  • A man who poisoned himself asks for an antidote, but his wife reads him an anecdote instead.
  • Godzilla replenishes his electrolytes by eating the GE building.
  • A dog warns a puppy that he'll never view thermometers the same way again after the vet.
  • A piece of grass gets bitten by a horse, but it'll be okay because it was only grazed.
  • A snowman buys Preparation I to get rid of icicles on his butt.
  • Humpty Dumpty demands a specialist when he falls off the wall, but doesn't get one.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • A camera tells his wife to stop complaining about her hot flashes.
  • A woman complains that her husband is too reliant on technology because he uses the computer program Sheep Counter 1.0 to get to sleep.