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Browse our Doctors Cartoons

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  • Extreme sports for everyone include frying bacon shirtless and removing a toddler's splinter.
  • The Big Bad Wolf gets liposuction and the three little pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and a grandmother come out of his stomach.
  • The cartoonist gets carpal tunnel and has to draw with his left hand.
  • Clowns give birth to dozens of children at once.
  • A man whose wife just had twins has an IV of coffee to stay awake.
  • A woman takes her son to the doctor because the M&Ms he eats are building up inside him.
  • The anatomy of the brain of a new parent.
  • Two dogs looking at a dog with big jowls think she got collagen injections.
  • A doctor delivers a baby without an umbilical cord.
  • A vet gives a woman medicine for her cat's condition and medicine for herself once she tries to give the cat its medicine.
  • A surgeon scares his patient by saying he has carpal tunnel and has to switch to his left hand.
  • A surgeon can't reattach a Beanie Baby's tag.