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  • A Michael Jackson CD comes with an extra nose in it.
  • Daily meetings increase the growth curve because of donuts.
  • A man gets 'Inhalation Confetti' after a New Year's Party.
  • A snowman gets a carrot peeler as a gift.
  • Rudolph's medical plan doesn't cover visits to the electrician.
  • A hurt turnip doesn't want anyone to know he fell off the turnip truck.
  • Kids dress as protectors to protect adults from unhealthy candy.
  • The toddler owl only says 'why.'
  • A chiropractor does performance arts with a patient.
  • Medicine based off of internet shareware technology.
  • A vampire donates blood in an effort to give back.
  • Cal Ripken gets injured on his way to receive his 'No Injury' award.