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  • Prozac is given to tropical depressions to fix them.
  • Vampires likes to pick up women after they leave from massage therapy.
  • Frankenstein sees a chiropractor because his neck isn't on straight.
  • A Jack-o-lantern thinks Michael Jackson is infringing on its rights.
  • A man has a wart shaped like Mr. Peanut.
  • Mr. Potato Head's doctor wants him to swallow an eye so he can see inside.
  • A bar where all of the types of sports balls go.
  • The marching band for the chiropractors carry really large instruments.
  • Headache inducer is used to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle.
  • Allergies get made when the antibodies decide to play tricks.
  • Costumers must assume the employees are smiling at the Botox Injection Clinic.
  • The Tin Man sees a doctor because he got keyed.