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  • A billionaire gets sick and only feels like a million bucks.
  • People using steroids make darts not fun to play.
  • Two workers have a fight using breast implants.
  • This caveman is a chiropractor for the dinosaurs.
  • A cable installer does show up for the birth delivery when he is supposed to.
  • The FDA makes Cupid label his arrows with the side effects of love.
  • Popcorn kernels have hot flashes, and change into popcorn during menopause.
  • Traffic accident between NyQuil and Vicks medicine trucks prevents the highway from being congested.
  • One female teddy bear gets stuffing implants, while two others look on in disgust.
  • Man returning to work after recovering from an injury is hit with a celebratory Champagne cork.
  • Santa's lap is warped, and needs more calcium or less traffic.
  • Frosty the Snowman is in an accident and needs an infusion of ice water.