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Browse our Doctors Cartoons

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  • The Betty Rubble Center for Recovering Toons serves cartoons instead of celebrities.
  • A hospital for all of the characters injured in a Monty Python skit.
  • A kid says he wants a Dove bar, but he swears so his mom washes his mouth out with Dove soap.
  • A cloud speaks to his supervisor at work about a drug test that's positive of acid in his rain.
  • This man has a headache at a birthday party because his hat is upside down and pointed into his head.
  • At doctor's office, patient's eardrums are diagnosed with repetitive stress.
  • Planets and sun are aligned by chiropractor.
  • Patient thinks he's a hallucination and his psychiatrist is hallucinating.
  • Student gets an A in CPR class after reviving the test dummy.
  • A cat doctor informs patient health insurance doesn't cover reckless accident.
  • A dog doctor tells his patient to stop chasing his tail to relieve dizziness.
  • A bell patient complains to doctor about hearing talking in its ears.