FUNNY doctor cartoons & comics are the best medicine! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Doctors Cartoons

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  • The giant eye above the ophthalmologist's door is closed at night.
  • Cats torment owner while sleeping with a tongue getting medical tool.
  • A fish doctor's patient has worms, but the procedure to fix it is simple.
  • Psychiatrist's patient doesn't feel centered, and is not centered on the page.
  • Doctors give their patient the silent treatment at hospital.
  • A surgeon gets a fortune from his patient's stomach during surgery.
  • Fish doctor doesn't understand his patient because he has a hook in the mouth.
  • Man puts grout in his upstairs neighbor's piano so he can sleep.
  • Doctor gets a phone call in the middle of a surgery, saying that the rights to that stomach stapling are copyrighed.
  • The Grim Reaper's new tool, the Swiss Army Scythe, has every tool possible.
  • Whales' eyes are blocked by "floaters": floating humans.
  • A doctor's patient is so fat that his love handles have love handles.