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Browse our Doctors Cartoons

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  • Cat pharmacist tells cat customer trained staff is available to help with prescription pills.
  • Wife in kitchen responds to husband sneezing up snakes, as he suffers from the uncommon cold.
  • Optometrist inserts contact lens case caps into his eyes instead of contact lenses.
  • Husband in hospital is diagnosed by doctor not to induce daylight saving until wife is done cooking.
  • Teacher questions student not reading as the student waits for the book's images to load.
  • Police thermometers at crime scene wonder if thermometer was murdered in the first or second degree.
  • Superman in doctor's office explains it takes him two bounds to leap tall buildings.
  • A snowman refers friend to a rabbit for a nose job.
  • Snowman holding snow thinks of potential medical benefits snow has for replicating parts of snowmen.
  • Furry forest critters gather for the fleshy convention dressed as people.
  • Nurse assures Charlie Brown's mother that most babies are born bald.
  • A hypochondriac's daily desktop calendar find a new disease to worry about daily.