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  • Cat reads a book about learning to walk on a tight rope because there are lots of birds resting on the electrical wires outside.
  • One dinosaur tells another that he told him the restaurant makes a great house dressing, while their bowls are covered with tiny houses.
  • There is nothing like the sound of child's voice for woman, can opener for cat, tree falling for beaver, and "Ow, my thumb!" for hammer.
  • Wife gives husband birthday gift of dent puller, touch-up paint, and auto body gift certificate, he asks if there's something she needs to tell him.
  • One pair of pliers tells another pair of pliers that Billy is being punished and can't come out and ply, instead of play.
  • Electric eel leaves repair shop at bottom of ocean that specializes in replacing shocks, and his electric shocks are much better.
  • Prison officer mice lead mouse to the electric chair, which is actually a plug-in night light with the bulb taken out.
  • Man walking by the Domino Apartments, which are lined up next to each other like dominos, feels very uneasy, doesn't want the apartments to fall.
  • Turtle stuck on back after falling off ladder agrees to take wife to dinner and movie and buy roses if she will turn him over.
  • Man preparing to glue table leg applies glue, instructions say wait until glue becomes tacky, glue starts offering tacky fashion and decorating suggestions.
  • Two nails standing outside house, one nails tells the other he's been thinking about moving, two hammers are visible moving into the house next door.
  • Man says he thought about finding new building, thinks this one has good years left, asks Smithers if he agrees, but Smithers fell through hole.