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Browse our Construction Cartoons

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  • A new shop specializes in getting the drawstring back through the hole in your sweatpants.
  • Caleb gets back at his brother's static shocks with a huge pair of socks and a lot of static electricity.
  • Dog plumber makes a modification to the toilet.
  • Man puts grout in his upstairs neighbor's piano so he can sleep.
  • The Betty Rubble Center for Recovering Toons serves cartoons instead of celebrities.
  • An unbalanced washing machine runs around as its owner calls plumber for help.
  • A man leaves his dog alone in the house and the dog paints the room because the floor is covered in newspaper.
  • Two employees are very impressed with the new floor manager, who is managing tiles.
  • Plumber installs a vent pipe to husband (an old fixture).
  • Construction demolition on wall has worker being surprised by the head of a Jack in the box.
  • Man insulates himself with body fat for winter but wife thought he was going to insulation house for winter.
  • One light bulb uses a dimmer switch on its opponent during a debate to get the advantage.