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  • Ghost compliments the disrepair of friend's home.
  • The center advocating for a smaller carbon footprint adds to its footprint.
  • A car flirting with another car gets warning lights from his wife.
  • Oscar the Grouch retires to a dumpster.
  • Two dance a ritual to compete for the last available outlet for computer in coffee shop.
  • Husbands adds third floor to house when wife only wanted a new tile floor.
  • Bowling ball therapist hopes to take care of bowling pins that are split.
  • Builder grabs daughter's art homework instead of construction plans.
  • King's men can't figure out how to put Humpty Dumpty's two halves back together again.
  • Lazy workers fool boss with sweat scented candles.
  • Roofer in training practices climbing ladders on Rungmaster.
  • Museum custodian on ladder feels self-conscious at patrons' stare.