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  • City tries bad idea of turning all stoplights green for St. Patrick's Day.
  • Non-suspension hammock is marketing failure.
  • Danny Bonaduce tests beats up Sesame Street characters for publicity.
  • Beggar offers to make you seem interesting on your blog if you give him money.
  • Man's stomach is memory foam sleep surface for cats.
  • A mattress company's manager thinks his employee is demonstrating the lack of motion transfer when he sees him drinking on a mattress.
  • Whan man pours restaurant style soup into bowl it includes a fly.
  • Turkeys nervous about sign for carved physique at Turk's Gym.
  • Patient afraid as nurse takes blood with vampire-like syringe fangs.
  • Police stopping cars with speedometer signs on top.
  • Man is bummed there is no guitar part in Guitar Hero, Legends of A Capella.
  • Woman makes a mess using toothbrush/eyeliner applicator gadget.