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  • Cheez-Itch rash crackers parody Cheez-It cheddar crackers.
  • Tortoise buys tranquilizer darts to ensure win in race against the hare.
  • Free mace samples leave people on the floor blind and in pain.
  • For Father's Day, Mark's family provides all the ideas so he can have the day off.
  • Famous cartoons in rehab for addictions.
  • Lucky leaves cereal mascot party to get lucky with some women.
  • Noah corners the market on zoos by keeping animals in the ark.
  • A kitten jumps on the Michelin Man's lap, popping him.
  • Realtor tries to sell run down gingerbread house ito bake-it-yourselfer.
  • KFSee bucket of eyeballs parodies Kentucky Fried Chicken.
  • Greenex recycled tissues parodies Kleenex tissues.
  • Oral V fangbrush parodies Oral B toothbrush.