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  • Tried but nothing got clean parodies Tide laundry detergent.
  • Brad's misspelling of dollar in The Duller Store sign lost him his job.
  • Sierra Missed parodies Sierra Mist soda.
  • Leg-Ow parodies the building toy Legos for small pieces that are painful to step on.
  • Choboni parodies Chobani greek yogurt.
  • Hopicana parodies Tropicana orange juice.
  • Sugar Baddy parodies Sugar Daddy lollipop.
  • Witch's conjured grape jelly parodies Welsh's concord grape jelly.
  • Marketers raise razor prices only to find out men would rather have beards than pay more.
  • Swelly Belly parodies Jelly Belly jelly beans.
  • While the wiener mobile is a marketing success, the haggis mobile was a marketing failure.
  • Soily Putty parodies Silly Putty.