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  • Cat audience applauds hibernating bears doing nothing for months at a time presentation.
  • Dining dog pays for dinner, says least can do after owner picking up poop.
  • Santa assigns elf workers making dog toys for long good boys & girls nice list pet names.
  • Statue of dogs admiring the one dog everyone talks about - Who's a good dog? 
  • Owner asks dog for handshake but pet misunderstood & serves tasty blender milk shake.
  • Exercising cat lifts weights training to achieve goal knocking bigger stuff off tables.
  • Fairy tale Jack & the Bean Stalk character talks with bean seeds explaining we’re all magic when we grow.
  • Service dog in clothes store says awful shirt is tacky helping fashion taste impaired owner pick stylish apparel choices.
  • Smart desert island castaway says “I’ve got an idea!” & uses cartoon speech bubble floating lifeboat to sail ocean to safety.
  • British man on laptop in England clicks accept biscuits instead of American website cookies version in United States.
  • Scientist warns cartoon speech bubbles polluting planet’s atmosphere released by talking.
  • Gettysburg Address President Abraham Lincoln on laptop sees online LinkedIn 4 score & 7 endorsements professional contacts.