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  • A man sells his stocks in a company getting eaten by Godzilla.
  • Beelzebub goes to the doctor after sitting on his own tail.
  • Pigs see another pig on a table with an apple in his mouth.
  • A primitive man discovers the rubber tree.
  • A shark tries to get into a diving cage with a bottle opener.
  • Hell has boxes with matches in them in case there's no fire.
  • People crash testing a car have a crash test bug fly into the windshield.
  • Godzilla eats a car with double airbags.
  • The boss of a laxative company reminds his employees that anyone questioning his authority will become a product tester.
  • Man in shower wonders about the last time the water was tested for lead because he has several pencils stuck in his face.
  • A man standing in the fires of Hell can handle the heat, but the noise of the smoke detectors going off drive him crazy.
  • Flight attendant, sensing turbulence in the relationship, puts her tray in an upright position - right in her boyfriend's face.