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  • A firecracker realizes smoking is bad for him.
  • A man's survival guide warns him that reading is vulnerable as a bear attacks him.
  • A checker cabbie warns his client that another guy got jumped earlier that day.
  • People walk around the Superglue headquarters with stuff stuck to their bodies.
  • Types of technology get trained.
  • A doctor doesn't understand why a woman is upset about eating rat poison, because she's not a rat.
  • A truck sunk in the ocean has a How's My Driving bumper sticker.
  • A cockroach wears a radiation suit to get food stuck to the walls of a microwave.
  • A porcupine's seatbelt helped him in a car crash, but the airbag just popped.
  • A man uses The Club to secure things other than a car.
  • A tiger is chasing a man and he has to decide if it's enough of an emergency to use the emergency exit.
  • A man forgets to deactivate the kill switch in his car, so it tries to stab him.