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Browse our Money Cartoons

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  • Devil wears knock-off brands because he can't afford Prada.
  • Doctor loses bet over length of patient's intestine.
  • Woman's insurance covers her intravenous double mocha saline-uccino.
  • Old woman claims shoe house is exempt from taxes because it is clothing.
  • Scrawny bartered creature hurts caveman's credit score.
  • Husband gives store credit as gift, but wife wanted to return gift herself.
  • Leprechaun can't find pot of gold because there's no rainbow.
  • Cat cries identity theft when another cat eats food out of his personalized bowl.
  • A painter's art has a direct message: everything is for sale.
  • Jeweler gives Cupid money to shoot two lovers admiring jewelry.
  • All the paintings collected for Occupy Wall are baroque or broke.
  • Santa charges a re-stocking fee for filling up Christmas stocking.