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  • Cable installers have short relationships because they give vague times when scheduling dates.
  • A dog goes to therapy because he's allowed to lie on a couch there.
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears sue each other.
  • A man asks his investment banker if he's in a pyramid scheme, but the banker is an ancient Egyptian drawing.
  • Slugs try to ban salt weapons.
  • A baby falls out of a treetop and the police wonder who would be stupid enough to put a cradle there.
  • Godzilla eats a bunch of unhealthy food factories and needs to eat the Pepto Bismol building.
  • A surgeon gives a man a bag of leftovers after his operation.
  • Cat police play a recording of a can opener to entice out a fleeing cat criminal.
  • A traffic cop gives a ticket to a donut truck, but suggests he might be willing to take a bribe.
  • A surgeon accidentally pulls a rabbit out of his patient's stomach.
  • A checker cabbie warns his client that another guy got jumped earlier that day.