Rest your case with FUNNY lawyer cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Lawyers & Legal Cartoons

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  • A dog's lawyer delivers a contract his owner needs to sign so he will play fetch.
  • Everyone is excited about the leap year, except the cartoonist, who's disappointed because he has to draw an extra cartoon.
  • A lawyer interrogates the monkey from Pop Goes the Weasel.
  • A headless man tries to get insurance, but his detached head is a preexisting condition.
  • A judge refuses to excuse indecent exposure because a lawyer's client is from the show me state.
  • Meek inherit the earth but then the bold hire lawyers who tie up ownership in court cases.
  • A candlemaker is trapped in a tub in the ocean with a butcher and a baker, who conspire to eat him.
  • A lawyer defends his client by claiming he had to murder his wife because she was a morning person.
  • Lucy from Peanuts is arrested for practicing psychiatry without a license.
  • Two mobsters are going to take care of Dirty Harry by washing him with soap, a brush, and a hose.
  • A group of people have committed small gaffes like preferring brand X in taste tests or eating just one Lays potato chip.
  • Carmen Miranda has to pretend she has no fruits or vegetables to declare at customs, even though her fruit hat is just covered with a cloth.