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  • A snowman with a chewed-up nose picks a rabbit out of a police lineup.
  • A man dies, not by natural causes, but at the hands of a group of people in Santa Claus costumes.
  • Witches in the inner city are killing each other by shooting each other with water as they fly by on brooms.
  • A man is bitten to death by sound bytes from news channels.
  • Two police officers try and fail to do the good cop/bad cop routine.
  • A police officer thinks he will win best costume at the department Halloween party, but the other cops are also dressed as donuts.
  • Mother Goose reads a gossip rag about fairy tale characters.
  • A news anchor reports that the farmer's wife has been arrested for killing three blind mice.
  • Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard is finally stocked and her dog has a bone because she killed the cable repair man.
  • The police spray an illegal sweat shop with deodorant.
  • A group of people have committed small gaffes like squeezing toothpaste from the middle of the tube or not rewinding videotapes before returning them.
  • A man whose body is shaped like the handicap parking symbol gets a ticket because he doesn't have a handicap placard.