Rest your case with FUNNY lawyer cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

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  • Mark updates nursery rhymes for the modern age.
  • Mulder and Scully discuss their exes.
  • A cat tortures another cat by rubbing his fur the wrong way.
  • An English teacher chops down a sign because of its bad grammar.
  • If a bird spy is captured by the enemy, he has to swallow instant rice.
  • Mickey Mouse always wears gloves so he won't leave fingerprints at crime scenes.
  • Frosty the Snowman wants to sue a restaurant for giving him hot coffee instead of iced.
  • A praying mantis can't list her kids as dependents because she ate them.
  • Scientists will remove 90% of suffering and distress from humankind by getting rid of the lawyer gene.
  • Consumers disregard packaging warnings.
  • A lawyer claims god is partially responsible for a woman's car crash because she had a God is My Co-Pilot bumper sticker.
  • Robin thinks Batman has been out to see Catwoman because he's covered in hair.