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  • Blue catches Steve cheating on him with a cat.
  • A press-on nail truck and a chalkboard truck have an accident, making a horrible noise.
  • A lawyer wants his penguin client to be released because he won't fly away.
  • Ducks sue a duck-billed platypus for infringing on their genetic patent.
  • Consumers disregard packaging warnings.
  • Mr. Potatohead escapes from being arrested single-handedly, leaving his arm behind.
  • The Green Giant lies down in a garden and dies because he gets a few slugs in him
  • A judge secures witnesses by putting them under an oaf.
  • A man gets in a horrible accident because he forgot to forward a chain email.
  • A goat has a clamp in his stomach after surgery, but there's no way to know from the X-ray whether he ate it or the surgeon left it there.
  • The Teletubbies visit Earth and robbers steal the TVs from their stomachs.
  • A man mispronounces a common name, so he should become a telemarketer.