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  • A snowman identifies the person that was involved in the theft of a body section.
  • A woman shocks the world with a Pineapple Right-Side Up Cake.
  • Kids dress as protectors to protect adults from unhealthy candy.
  • The Big Bad Wolf and Three Little Pigs worked together in an insurance scam.
  • A newspaper has a list of real super heroes.
  • Chiropractor's make illegal wagers on how far they can bend their patients.
  • The Big Bad Wolf brings J.K. Rowling to court on trademark infringement.
  • A man fishing delivers a worm virus to fish in an online attachment.
  • The doughboy sues for harassment after a pinch of flour is taken out of him.
  • Rogue firefly cops break a tail light intentionally.
  • The police collect two hundred dollars when you pass stop.
  • Kleptomaniacs take part of the "Kleptomaniacs Anonymous" sign.