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  • A turtle puts on a false head before he gets beheaded.
  • Mr. Bubble's assets are divided among his surviving airs.
  • An electric toothbrush sues for discrimination because it doesn't get a holder like the others toothbrushes.
  • Dominic go to court to show the pink slip he got was actually mauve.
  • A snowman steals other snow people's noses and arms and grows them into plants.
  • Trial size toothpaste has a trial.
  • The jury usually finds the defendant Waldo with much difficulty.
  • A cat is in court because a drug was slipped into its food.
  • Police come to a birthday party to search the loot bags.
  • A kid brings his mom's meals to court because he dislikes spam.
  • The Three Stooges drive around when their faces are covered with pie.
  • There is no way to opt out of Santa's Naughty List.