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  • Santa has some questionable accounting practices.
  • The consonants have a spy in the vowel army during a war.
  • A man is convicted of faking an injury, but then walks on a banana peel.
  • A judge rules that photos don't do the plaintiff justice.
  • Dogs mark their territory at the Canine Deed Registry.
  • A cat and dog play poker to see who gets to knock over a vase.
  • The police do a breathalyzer on a man that was pulled over.
  • A woman hides her pets from the land lord, because they are not allowed according to her lease.
  • A man spreads dandelions in his neighbor's yard with a dandelion seed gun.
  • The Introduction to Law professor has his class help him get out of a speeding ticket.
  • One baby kicks the walls, but both of the twins get evicted.
  • The Toothfairy has an ethical problem when wanting to sell a celebrity's baby's teeth.