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  • A dog eats the Thanksgiving turkey and pretends not to know anything.
  • A kid in a toilet costume is scared he'll be blamed for toilet papering a house.
  • A dad finds the only Halloween costume the baby would wear.
  • Snoopy sues Snoop Dogg for infringement.
  • The untold story of Lizzie Borden.
  • A Jack-o-lantern thinks Michael Jackson is infringing on its rights.
  • A judge rules someone is out of bounds, while watching the football game.
  • A caveman claims a certain drum beat as his intellectual property.
  • Vandals play tic tac toe in paintballs on the side of a building.
  • The Sandman is arrested by undercover police.
  • A car wash is not responsible for broken antennas on cars.
  • Mr. Potatohead goes to trial for murder.