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  • One light bulb uses a dimmer switch on its opponent during a debate to get the advantage.
  • A mother says her son could be a pirate for Halloween, when he is already a pirate on the computer.
  • A group of vampires are in court, and all are found guilty.
  • James Bond has a license to noogie while in school.
  • A woman's phone makes an impression in her face when she crashes her car.
  • A boy sticks gum under his desk in school.
  • A water slide is so fast that people break out the other side of the pool.
  • File sharing in a jail gets out of hand.
  • The police arrest a man and Google search him.
  • Man in court has been granted immunity to a disease.
  • Consumers are arrested by the police for various acts.
  • Spider Man is on trial for using a performance enhancing bug.